ACT Test Dates and Registration Information
How to Register for the ACT
(Note: Students with Free/Reduced Lunch should contact their counselor for a fee waiver before registering)
1. Log into your ACT account here. If you don’t yet have an account, you’ll be invited to create one. Be sure to use exactly the same name that’s on your photo ID. (The staff at your testing center will check to make sure they match. If they don’t, you won’t be allowed to take the test).
2. Click “Register to Test.”
3. Now you’re at the beginning of the first section: Your Personal Profile. This top page asks for essential information that ACT will use to identify you and track your tests. To avoid headaches down the line, be sure that everything you enter here is correct and typo-free.
4. The rest of this section is less important. Some of it is data that ACT is collecting in order to generate statistics on how various groups of students perform on the test. The rest is a survey about your interests that will be passed along to colleges that want to send you promotional materials. For students who haven’t yet decided where to apply, those mailings can sometimes be helpful. If you’re not interested in receiving them, you can leave that part blank. (Nothing you enter here becomes part of your application, and it won’t affect the admissions process in any way).
5. The next section is called Your Interest Inventory. ACT uses your responses here to try to recommend college majors and possible career fields for you. This part is also optional.
6. The third section is Your Test Selection. This is where you actually sign up. First, you’ll be asked to agree to ACT’s Terms and Conditions. (There’s nothing sneaky in there: you’re basically just agreeing not to cheat). Next, you choose your test date and specify whether or not you’ll be writing the essay. You may also be offered some ACT test-prep materials.
7. The next page gives you all the nitty-gritty details about the photo you’ll need to upload later. (The staff at your testing center will be using it to identify you on test day). If you currently have a headshot that fulfills ACT’s requirements, you can upload it at the end of the registration process. If not, you’ll need to take one and upload it by (at the latest) eight days before your test date.
8. Next, you’ll need to list the high school courses you’ve taken and the grades you received. Yes, you’ll be sending official transcripts to all your target schools, but it’s still important to fill this part out accurately.
9. After that comes a page called “Your College Choices.” Here you can specify up to four schools where you want your ACT scores to be sent. Reports that you request here will be sent for free. If you opt to send them later, you’ll need to pay a fee.
10. The next page is “Your Plans For the Future.” Again, this is information that the ACT gives to colleges that might want to contact you. It’s optional.
11. The following page is where you choose your test center. You can search by zip code to see all the available centers near you. Keep in mind that there may be one that’s more convenient, quieter, or more comfortable than your high school. You do not have to test at your own high school.
12. Upload your photo now if you have it. If you need to wait, don’t forget to get it done by the deadline. (Otherwise, your application will be canceled).
13. Submit your payment or enter your fee waiver code.