SENIORS - Completing and Submitting FAFSA is a graduation requirement. LOSFA will be hosting two webinars to help with submitting the FAFSA. These webinars will help with creating a FSA ID and with completing the FAFSA. Representatives from LOSFA will be available to answer individual questions. Don't miss out on this opportunity.
TO BE ANNOUNCED https://losfa.zoom.us/j/89325371873?pwd=TURVNmszdENQeFh2TEtYdVNGb0l6dz09
Password = 765370
TO BE ANNOUNCED https://losfa.zoom.us/j/83170156426?pwd=ampuZFErRXluNGxzVk9oZ0Rmakk3dz09
Password = 630246
- Bonnabel will be hosting ACT and ACT WorkKeys Virtual tutoring sessions throughout the week and on Saturdays. Several teachers are offering tutoring on the different sections of the ACT and WorkKeys test for anyone interested. All students need to do is join the Virtual Tutoring Google Classroom and join the meet for the session they are interested in. Class code: pliagma
- Remember, a higher ACT score means better chances of college acceptance and money in scholarships!
The PSAT/NMSQT is the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. The PSAT is a great primer for the SAT, and even the ACT, but it’s more than just a trial run. PSAT scores are used to identify National Merit Scholars and award merit scholarships. More than 3.4 million high school students (mostly juniors and sophomores) take this nationwide, multiple-choice test every year.
What is the PSAT and why is it important?
The PSAT won’t count towards your college admissions applications, but it is the qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship. Some of the highest scoring students may win scholarship money, so while you shouldn’t stress out about the PSAT, you certainly shouldn’t ignore it either. Use the PSAT as practice for the SAT and ACT and an important guidepost on your college admissions journey.
The cost of the exam is $10 and must be paid prior to the exam administration. Please submit the following Google Form, if you are interested in participating the exam administration. A counselor will follow up with you and confirm your interest and schedule a time for you to register for the exam. The exam will be given in a pencil/paper format.
We only have space for 30 students. We will register students until all open slots are full.
The exam date is January 26th. Click on the form below ASAP if you are interested!
- Southeastern University's Application Fees for Fall 2021 applications are waived! Students can apply until January 15th, 2021 for Fall 2021 without having to pay the $20 application fee.
- Juniors or Seniors who qualify for free or reduced lunch may contact their counselor for a waiver to take the ACT for free! ACT now allows students to use up to 4 waivers total!
- With many students doing Hybrid or Virtual classes, it's important to know how to reach out to your teacher!
- To email a teacher it is always the first name, dot, last name, @jpschools.org
- Example--john.smith@jpschools.org
- See the tips below on how to write your email!
- To email a teacher it is always the first name, dot, last name, @jpschools.org
9th Grade
Justin Haab
10th Grade
11th and 12 Grade
Demrest Barkley
12th Grade
Rhonda Herrmann