Recommendation Letters
Some colleges and schoalrships require letters of recommendation, either from a counselor, teacher, or both. When possible, it is best to choose an adult you have a good relationship with who can write a letter that tells more about you than just your academic records. A few things to remember when asking for a letter of recommendation--
- Letters of recommendation should be requested as soon as possible. Don't wait until the last minute! It takes time for your recommender to write a thoughtful letter for you. At least 2 weeks notice is appropriate.
- Always have a back up person in mind to write your letter if your first choice is unable to do it.
- Let your recommender know the deadline you need to meet for the letter.
- Give your recommender the information on where to send the letter. Colleges and scholarships generally want these sent directly to them from the recommender and not from the student.
When asking for a recommendation from your counselor, please compelte this form and submit it with your request. Remember, the more information you provide, the better your letter will be!
Click here for recommendation form!