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Class of 2024 Senior Contract


Bonnabel High School

Senior Class Fee Package Information


Below are the explanations and policies of the Senior Class Fee Package Options. 

Please read them carefully and initial next to each policy, then sign and date at the bottom.

Two copies must be signed by both the student and a parent/guardian and returned to Mrs. Bradley before any senior fees are accepted.

We recommend you staple your fee receipts to your copy. 


Click here to download the Senior Class Fee Package Information, or scroll down below.

$150 Little Bruin Senior Package - (Mandatory) 

4 installments of $37.50 

o September 8th – 1st installation 

o October 13th- 2nd installment 

o November 17th - 3rd Installment 

o December 8th - 4th installment 


Commencement Exercise Fees 

Alumni T-shirt 


Participation in Senior Week Activities 


______ All students MUST pay the fee in entirety in order to receive graduation tickets. 

$350 Big Bruin Package includes all items from Little Bruin package plus: 

4 installments of 75.00 or Full payments 

o September 9th – 1st installment

o October 14th- 2nd installment 

o November 18tht - 3rd installment

o December 9th - 4th installment 


Class Card - All Fees must be paid to attend Class Card Events 

o Admission to class card events 

▪ 1st quarter event

Taco Tuesday - 9/12/23

▪ 2nd quarter event 

Friendsgiving w/Painting - 11/16/23

▪ 3rd quarter event 

Haul to Mall - 1/11/24

▪ 4th quarter event 

Crawfish Festival and Water slides - 4/18/24

Spirit-wear - All fees must be current to receive items 

o Class Water Tumbler (ordered with the 1st Installment) September 30th Pick up 

o Class Sweatshirt (ordered with the 2nd Installment) October Pick up 

o Class of 2023 Jacket (ordered with the 3rd Installment) November Pick up 


o Admission and favor (does not cover guest) 

Bear Fest Tickets ($20 value) 

iHop Breakfast 




____ All students MUST pay class fees and Bonnabel fees in entirety in order to attend Prom and receive graduation tickets.

____ Students who enroll in BHS or move up from the junior class BEFORE the end of the first nine weeks, October 5, 2023 must pay the entire balance of the fee. 

____ Students who enroll in BHS or move up from the junior class AFTER the end of the first semester will pay $250.00 for items that may be available. These students will not receive previously ordered items.

____ Students who make late payments forfeit items and activities held or ordered before payment.

____ Only one tumbler order (Sept. 15th) and one jacket order (Nov. 17th), will be placed. Students who have not paid the minimum amount by the order date WILL NOT receive the spirit-wear. ____ Students who select this package agree to abide by all policies and procedures established for Prom and accept that disciplinary consequences will be issued to students who do not abide by the policies. 

____ Students who do select this package and choose not to participate in class events, including Prom, WILL NOT receive a refund. 

____ Students who select this payment option cannot switch to a lesser package later. 






_____ Please Note: The BHS ($35) and Ring and Regalia Costs are not included in either option and must be paid separately. Please contact Graduate Sales directly to place an order for regalia (cap and gown) or a class ring.



Graduation Tickets 

______ I am aware that graduation tickets will be distributed at graduation practice.. The number of tickets issued is based on the number of graduates and building capacity. 


Fee Agreement 

I _____________________ have selected the ___________________ fee option at a cost of $____________. (print student name) (package selection) (cost) 

I understand that I will be expected to pay the fee in full in order to obtain all benefits of the option, and I understand that if I make late payments or choose to upgrade my option, I forfeit any benefits which have already passed. 

T-shirt Size: __________ (S-3XL) Sweatshirt Size:________ (S-3XL) Jacket Size:________ (S-3XL) 

____________________________ _______________ student signature date 

____________________________ _______________ parent/guardian signature date




Payments may be made by cash, check or online. Online payments may be made by clicking on School Class Online.